about my persian cats and kittens in cattery La Capuccino.
May 30, 2019
We have newborn persian babies, two boys and teo girls.
March 24, 2019
We have new very nice persian kitten - sold.
YAMBO La Capuccino, CZ, PER a 02 62 / Blue-White Harlequin male.
Nominated for BIS.
12th - 13th of May, 2018
Catshow Prague, CZ
Ufania La Capuccino, CZ - CAC, CACIB, BIS.
at 10 months
4th - 5th of May, 2018
Catshow Most, CZ
IC Dclass Peace & Love of La Capuccino obtained the last CAGCIB for title GIC, BIS.
Ufania La Capuccino, CZ - CAC, NOM
7th-8th of April, 2018
Catshow Győr, Hungaria
CH Dclass Peace & Love of La Capuccino - CACIB, CAGCIB and both days title Best In Show (BIS).

1th of April, 2018
Catshow Liberec
CH Dclass Peace & Love of La Capuccino -CACIB and title Best In Show (BIS).
Ufania La Capuccino, CZ - NOM
24th-25th of March, 2018
Catshow Castle Nový Světlov, Bojkovice
Dclass Peace & Love of La Capuccino - CAC, CACIB, 2x NOM
Ufania La.Capuccino, CZ - 1x BIS, 2x NOM
16th-17th of December, 2017
Prague, Czech Republic
Dclass Peace & Love of La Capuccino took won the title Best In Show.
30th of September, 2017
Tulln, Austria
Dclass Peace & Love of La Capuccino took first title BIS on his first catshow.
28th of August, 2017
Two nice pure persian kittens were born in my cattery.
28. 8. 2017
We have new persin male Dclass Peace & Love of La Capuccino! for our breeding.
We are very excited!
Thank you very much Alejandro for this lovely male. He is a very nice boy with so kind personality.