News in my cattery
6. 9. 2017
We have one blue-white persian girl (ELH) for sale!
More on the site Kittens
Cat shows Most, CZ 7th - 8th of May 2016 and Prague, CZ 14th - 15th of May 2016
Our new pure persian boy Fábio Vuvo Hokami, CZ obtained thrice CAC, one CACIB and one nomination during four show-days.
at 15 months
6th of December, 2014
Catshow in Olomouc 2014 was very successful for us. Both our cats - NW13 CH Madeira La Capuccino, CZ, JW and her daughter Linda Sweet Doll Keanu, CZ won Best In Show, the first in adult category, the second in kitten's category. I am so proud of them!
13th of July, 2014
We have new pure persian kittens for sale.
Take a look at a video of them here.
29th of January, 2014
Madeira La Capuccino,CZ,JW have obtained the title NATIONAL WINNER CZ 2013.
She is the best kitten between exotic and persian cats of the year 2013.
Year 2013
Catshow Pribram, 8th - 9th of June
Madeira won both days Best In Show in category of kittens.
Catshow Prague, 18th - 19th of May
Madeira won both days Best In Show in category of kittens.
Catshow Most, May 2013
The first day Madeira La Capuccino have won the title persian JUNIOR STAR of the show, the second day she took BIS.
From now she is Junior Winner (JW). Congratulations.
Catshow Karlovy Vary, April 2013
Madeira La Capuccino Madeira have had two wins on the catshow in Karlovy Vary this weekend.
Catshow Prague 16th-17th of February
Oriens-Mau Blue Moon (CFA) is champion
Madeira La Capuccino as a kitten: twice nominations + BIS
Year 2012
Madeira La Capuccino, CZ PER a 01 62 / blue-white van
Year 2011
4th of March, 2011
We have the new persian blue boy Oriens-Mau Blue Moon (CFA) from my deceased friend Vera Russova.
I am very proud to keep this promising boy from lines Boberan and Kitty Charm.
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Dagmar Patkova